9 foods that make healthy penis

The following foods are foods that must be consumed by men, either because the properties and because the benefits of the food itself can be healthy parts penis for men

9 foods that should be consumed by men

1. Tomatoes
            Tomato is known as a super-healthy diet for health benefits. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which helps reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, and chole sterol become a common disease in men.

2. Oysters
            Oysters are rich in zinc which is essential for male fertility and sexual health. Zinc is able to maintain healthy testosterone levels are important to produce healthy sperm.

3. Cereals
            Grains such as wheat contains vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are beneficial for maintaining healthy sperm. while biotin is able to avoid the risk of balding in men

4. Garlic
            Garlic is known to be useful for protecting heart health. Even men who eat garlic have lower cholesterol levels. 

5. Salmon
            Not only protein, salmon also contain omega 3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of heart disease, prostate cancer, and depression. 

6. Blueberry

            Health experts say that blueberries contain natural substances called proanthocyanidins which can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.Eating blueberries are also effective for reducing the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, as well as memory loss while old age.

7. Broccoli 
            Broccoli is a vegetable that is good for the fight against cancer because sulphoraphane broccoli high in substances that can reduce a man's risk of developing bladder cancer, prostate cancer, and cancerous  

8. Eggs 
            For men who want to avoid baldness, eat the eggs. Because eggs contain high protein is good for hair health. 

9. Pomegranate juice
            Pomegranate juice helps men to lower cholesterol and prevent high blood pressure because of the high content of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals in it

Makanan penambah Sperma

Makanan penambah sperma agar Melimpah dan Tokcer

Banyak makanan yang bisa menambah kualitas sperma bagi pria, diantara kita mungkin telah mengetahuinya baik itu dari warisan leluhur maupun melalui penelitian para ahli hingga pengalaman pribadi seseorang, dalam kesempatan kali ini saya membagikan makanan yang bisa menambah kualiatas sperma menurut para ahli yang saya dapatkan melalui beberapa sumber 

Sayuran hijau

Kekurangan asam folat pada tubuh pria bisa mengakibatkan jumlah sperma yang dihasilkan rendah atau kualitas sperma yang buruk. Sayuran hijau yang mengandung vitamin C dan E memiliki sejumlah antioksidan yang telah terbukti dapat meningkatkan kualitas sperma. Ajak suami untuk mulai menyukai sayuran seperti bayam, daun pepaya atau brokoli.


Brokoli dapat membantu pria dalam meningkatkan kuantitas sperma dalam air mani. Brokoli adalah salah satu sumber terbaik asam folat dan vitamin B.

Dalam tomat, semangka, asparagus dan buah-buahan lain yang berwarna merah terdapat zat yang disebut likopen. Jenis antioksidan yang satu ini terbukti dapat mencegah kanker prostat dan juga meningkatkan kualitas sperma.

Vitamin D

Peneliti menyimpulkan, pria yang mendapatkan banyak vitamin D mampu menghasilkan sperma berkualitas prima lebih banyak sehingga kemungkinannya untuk membuahi sel telur lebih besar. Didapatkan dari menyantap telur atau berjemur matahari pagi.

English version

Abundant food that sperm enhancer

            Many foods can increase sperm quality for men, of you might already know that both of heritage through research and personal experience of experts to a person, in this occasion I share the food that can increase sperm quality according to experts that I get through some source 

Greens vegetables
            Folic acid deficiency in the body can lead to a man who produced a low sperm count or poor sperm quality. Green vegetables that contain vitamin C and E has a number of antioxidants which have been shown to improve sperm quality. Invite your husband to start liking vegetables such as spinach, papaya leaves or broccoli.

            Broccoli may help him in increasing the quantity of sperm in the semen. Broccoli is one of the best sources of folic acid and vitamin B.

            In tomato, watermelon, asparagus and other fruits that are red substance called lycopene. Type of antioxidant that is proven to prevent prostate cancer and improve the quality of sperm.

 Vitamin D

            The researchers concluded that men who get plenty of vitamin D is capable of producing excellent quality sperm so much more likely to fertilize an egg bigger. Obtained from eating eggs or bask in the morning sun.

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