Camfrog vidio recording with Camstudio

Continuing the previous post with Camfrog chat more fun, for those who do not know what it is Camfrog and its parts please Read Here . While those who have had their applications please Download Here 

Application of the following is an application for those who want to capture the moment in Camfrog required to have this one application,namely Camstudio Download Here

The advantages of Camstudio is

01. Software CamStudio this size is not too big and not too much different from its software camfrog 
02. Camstudio has a simple display making it easier for new users like me 
03. and several other features more or less the same with software other video recorder. 

Once downloaded, please click 2x, install. Instruction might look like ordinary, quite next, next, next, finish. Okay good luck   

Download Camstudio application

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