Situs untuk mengukur kecepatan blog atau web

Tips sederhana untuk mengecek kecepatan blog atau web ini saya posting karena berdasarkan pengalaman saya yang suka mengganti-ganti tampilan template. 
Semua bloger menginginkan tampilan blog yang cantik dan ringan  untuk itu sebelum memakai template sebaiknya di cek terlebih dahulu kualitasnya jangan sampai blog kita ditinggalkan pengunjung dikarenakan hanya karena hal yang sepele yaitu karena loading yang lama pada saat diakses pengunjung, walaupun pada dasar nya blog atau web kita menyajikan informasi yang sangat berguna bagi pengunjung.

Ada beberapa situs yang bisa mengukur kecepatan blog atau web, diantaranya:

1. GTMetrix
merupakan tool online gratis untuk mengukur kecepatan loading online website anda, yang akan menganalisa kecepatan kode-kode HTML/Javascript atau kode lainnya dengan menggunakan Google Page Speed dan Yahoo Yslow.

tes kecepatan blog atau web kalian di situs GTMetrik berikut,

caranya masukan url blog ato web anda,

dan lihat hasilnya


Situs ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kesalahan kita dalam membuat kode-kode web maupun template, khususnya halaman web berbasis HTML 5.

  • Membantu search angine mengindeks web atau blog lebih baik
  • Render browser lebih baik dan lebih cepat
  • Mengetahui link-link yang rusak atau mati maupun dalam pembuatan kode-kode yang salah pada web atau blog

Masukan url link web atau blog anda

Jika halaman web atau blog anda valid, maka akan muncul keterangan "Passed"

Jika halaman web atau blog anda valid, maka akan muncul keterangan "Passed"

3. Pingdom
Seperti biasa silahkan masuk ke linknya

4.web page tes
situs yang juga bisa mengukur kecepatan pada browser yang berbeda

5. Page Speed
Situs yang satu ini adalah situs kepunyaan Google, ini link nya

Camfrog vidio recording with Camstudio

Continuing the previous post with Camfrog chat more fun, for those who do not know what it is Camfrog and its parts please Read Here . While those who have had their applications please Download Here 

Application of the following is an application for those who want to capture the moment in Camfrog required to have this one application,namely Camstudio Download Here

The advantages of Camstudio is

01. Software CamStudio this size is not too big and not too much different from its software camfrog 
02. Camstudio has a simple display making it easier for new users like me 
03. and several other features more or less the same with software other video recorder. 

Once downloaded, please click 2x, install. Instruction might look like ordinary, quite next, next, next, finish. Okay good luck   

Download Camstudio application

Chatting will more fun with Camfrog

For those who are familiar with this application may be this is a not a new item, but for those who do not know and want to chat via camera or vidio cool to call, this application.

 Camfrog download the latest version 6.7  

In addition Mesengger Yahoo, Camfrog is a chat application that has been very widely used. This application has a function similar to the yahoo messenger and have many advantages, one of the advantages given was chatting with webcam facility, in addition to the standard amenities of a chat application, messaging and other activities.
Many unique features possessed to camfrog, if you want to see the face of your chat friend through camera, then you do not need to use permissions or seek approval from him, just click directly appear in a while , and if you want to see a lot of different rooms in camfrog is the place.

Camfrog is divided into two options, namely Camfrog Camfrog Pro and regular. What makes it different is the ordinary Camfrog Camfrog Pro has some features, which pro features include:

1.    Other users can not see more than one  (multi-view cam) .
2.    Can not change the size of the video screen  (big-small, small-large) .
3.    Iframe can not add text on your camera.
4.    Can not know the location of a user who becomes your friend .

But before you glorify chat, the authors advise not to do things that are considered violent as typing the words inappropriate to other users, because your IP address will be banned within a few days even possible to not be able to chat to a few weekly ahead , even though you've made change ID to chat, will still not be able to get into the room because your IP address has been blocked at owner's room.

The term Camfrog Frequently Found in:
  • 222  = no  (featuring iconic bad) .
  • 555  = haha  (featuring iconic smile ).
  • 888 = bye.
  • 88 = bye bye.
  • 99999  = take mic.
  • 555555 = shame.
  • TQ  = Thank you.
  • WB = Welcome Back.
  • Nvm = never mind.
  • Brb = be right back.

At advanced level you might need a bit of the article below, since this paper contains several ways:
-> to block the mic: right-click on the user you want to block mic, then click the mic block, unblock mic as well as vice versa
as well as for tires , kick. All the commands that can be used for a regular user. however in some cases there are rules such as the appropriate level of status: The blue color will not be in the tire, kick, block, Punish, and others against a green nick with record low levels can not be master level on it.
Camfrog is unique in comparison with Yahoo Messenger or MIRC, where room-room that is in camfrog have membership status consisting of Guest user, Friend, Operator, Operator +, Co Owner, Main Owner where each level has a different facility .

Standard facilities:
1.    Chat in the room or via Instant Message (IM).
2.    Seeing cam another user.
3.    Using voice in the room.
Guest user  ID << color black.
Having 3 to the standard amenities.
Friend << color blue ID.
Having 3 to the standard facilities coupled with other facilities, namely:
1.    Private Message (PM).
2.    Block, unblock mic guest user.
Operator  << Color green ID.
Has all the amenities plus the facilities Friend:
1.    Remote Operator and Friend (decrease lower status beneath it).
2.    Block,unblock mic Friend, Operator.
3.    punish Operator, Friend, Guest user.
4.    kick Operator, Friend, Guest user.
Operator +  << Color green ID.
Having the facility operator plus facilities.
1.    demote Operator+.
2.    punish Operator+.
3.    kick Operator+.
4.    Banned all status except Co Owner, Main Owner.
Co Owner  ID << color red.
Having the facility operator + plus facility.
1.    Demote all state.
2.    Banned all status.
3.    Raising the status only until the operator +.
Main Owner  ID << color red.
Having these facilities plus facilities Co. Owner Raising the status became Co. Owner or Owner Main  (Because he who holds the password room) . Want to feel the LATEST version but still FREE? please download 

source  :
editing : admin rian scr
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